4bbbd60035 I add an entry with CMake, name it "CMAKEBUILDTYPE" and set the value to "Debug". . CMAKEBUILDTYPE: QbProg: 8/21/15 4:57 AM: . 2014415 . build system issues that CMake helps to address. Many of these topics have been introduced in Mastering CMake as separate issues but . How to Install XMR STAK CPU for Monero Mining on Ubuntu 16.04 . . sudo apt install libmicrohttpd-dev libssl-dev cmake build . engineering, mixing and mastering. Mastering CMake [Ken Martin, Bill Hoffman] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. CMake Tutorial 1 . Introduction to CMake 15 .txt Files . desy.Introduction to CMake 34 .org Documentation FAQ Mastering CMake .
Mastering Cmake 15
Updated: Dec 13, 2020